
During the last quarter of the twelfth century, Muhammad of Ghor invaded Indo-Gangetic Plain, Conquering in  succession Ghazni, Multan,Sindh,Lahore, and Delhi Qutb-ud0din Aybak, one of his generals proclaimed himself Sultan of Dulhi. In the 13th century, Shams ud din lltusmish (1211-1236). a former slave-warrio, established a Turkic Kingdom in Delhi Which enabled future sultans to push in every direction. within the next 100 years, the Delhi Sultanate extended its way east to bengai and south to the Deccan. While the Sultanate itself experience repearted threats from the northwest and intenal revolts displeased, independent nobles. The sultanate was in constant flux as five dynasties rose and fell one was the Slave Dynasty (1296-1316), Khalji dynasty (1290-1320), Tughlaq dynast (1320- 1413).